Defend an asteroid-mining operation from marauders. The asteroid's EMAG shield prevents bombardment, so the assailants try to destroy the defenses - which include you - with ground-based craft armed wih beam weapons..

SPACEIf enemy in sights, fire
If base in sights, land and recharge

The defense base provides a place to recharge your fighter's structural-integrity system, and liftoffs and landings are automatically handled. When you fire a missile, a replacement take three seconds to regenerate, so it is both possible to employ denial-of-area tactics and leave yourself temporarily defenseless.

When I started this project, I was largely thinking of the Electronic Arts product from the mid-Eighties, "Skyfox", by Ray Tobey. The third-person perspective, though, suggests "After Burner" sans throttle. I might add a throttle control in a later version.

It's playable, but I am open to suggestions toward making this a Triple-I product.

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