Like "Home Improvement", MORE POWER(ups)!

Holy cow...since last time, I revised the ammo/weapon relationships in inventory, and introduced a BFG-type weapon., the Eliminator

I had the bright idea  to make the contents of ammunition caches compatible with more than one weapon:Grenades could be lobbed or launched, Power Cells could fit the Firesleet beam rifle or the Eliminator.

This last showed I was wise to add "shot cost" to weapon attrobutes. While the beam weapon uses only one Power Cell per shot, a shot from the Eliminator costs three Power Cells.

The first draft of the Eliminator's damage model attempted to locate all enemies within range-forward, vertically, and laterally-and then cast rays between each and where the shot originated to remove from that set those under cover. Finally, the damage dealt was like an explosion - the closer-to-launch ones got more damage than those farther away. You can see this getting complicated.

A simpler version sends a projectile, with a Trigger the size of the full "bloom" of the shot, out along the linear path. When the Trigger hits an enemy Collider, the projectile checks if there's any wall between its own center and that of the encountered enemy. If not, that enemy takes damage proportional to the distance the shot has traveled thus far. In any event, the shot keeps moving until it reaches the end of its range.

There's a strange glee to be gotten from clearing out a room of TV dumpster fires.


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